Saturday, April 23, 2005


The following was adopted from a power point lecture given by Dr. Annie Francisco during the PAFP leadership forum at Hyatt Hotel February 23, 2005.

By Dr Annie A. Francisco
Philippine Academy of Family Physicians

Sources of Funds
• Interest earnings
• Income from the Annual Convention
• Annual Dues and conferment fees
• 40 % of net income from Midyear Convention
• Postgraduate activities
• Others

Major Expenditures
• Annual Convention
• Personnel wages, benefits and bonuses
• Board and committee meetings
• Diplomate Examination
• Printing and Circulation of Journal
• Administrative expense: Utilities, Office supplies and office equipment maintenance, communications, courier services, transportation
• Accreditation visits
• Chapter shares for: annual dues and conferment

Frequently Asked Questions:

Dues - Chapter = National
P 480.00 - P110.00 = P370.00

General Fund P 110.00
Pakikiramay benefit P 100.00
FP Journal P 80.00
WONCA dues P 40.00
Calamity funds P 20.00
Miscellaneous P 20.00
TOTAL P 370.00

2. What happens to a member who is not able to pay annual dues

• Loss of active status of membership
• Loss of Pakikiramay benefits and calamity benefits
• Loss of access to journal, Reporter
• Loss of discounted rate of registrations fees for convention
• Loss of right to vote and be voted upon

3. Is there an amnesty for delinquent payers?

• None.
• Giving amnesty means you are rewarding delinquents. Do you want that?
• This is a specialty organization and active membership is not only in terms of dues but in terms of CME credits earned and academic rank attained.
• When you become inactive and you want to be reactivated, you have to pay all back dues because of your rank. YOU CAN ONLY BE REACTIVATED ONCE.
• If you are delinquent and is only a regular member, you lose your membership because membership through CME is no longer accepted.

4. I want to be a life member so that I do not have to worry paying my dues. Is it possible?

There are only two categories of life membership with the PAFP

• Senior member: You have to be 65 years old or older AND remained active ( with CME and Dues) for 20 consecutive years.
• Fellow life : You have to be an active fellow for at least 5 consecutive years. (CME and dues ) AND 50 years old ( amended constitution)

5. Can a chapter member pay directly to the National Organization?

- As per agreement with the
chapters, this should not be allowed.

- However, there are members who pay through the bank or pay during the annual convention.

6. Why do chapter members pay directly to the national organization?

• Place of work and residence is far from treasurer
• “Walang naniningil”
• More convenient to pay directly, especially if you have business in Manila.
• I keep on forgetting and remember to pay only during the convention.
• I do not get complete amount reflected in the Official receipt from National.

7. When is the fiscal year?

• We are in transition, under the existing constitution, the fiscal year is October 1
to September 30 the next year.
• In the amended constitution and by-laws which is at the SEC right now, fiscal year is January 1 to December 31 of each year.
• Mechanism is being drawn to address the transition.

8. In what way can active status and payment of dues affect the chapter?

• Performance of the chapter will definitely be affected.
• One provision to remain as active chapter is that 50 % of the members should be active (CME and dues) or not less than 15, which ever is higher.
• In reviewing performance of chapter, the denominator is the number of members.
• The points earned by the treasurer will be one of the components when computing for outstanding chapter

9. What is Pakikiramay?

• It is a benefit plan given to active members, with two components:

1. death benefits given to beneficiaries and
2. disability benefits given to members.

• The Pakikiramay Plan has its own funds coming from annual dues. The trust fund is the only source of the two benefits.

10. How can the chapter help its members regarding Pakikiramay?

• CHAPTER OFFICERS, specifically the President and the Treasurer should see to it that all members are paid on time, especially those who are sick and old.

• CHAPTER TREASURER should remit dues immediately so that there will be no gap on payment.

• Inactive or members who are not paid get only a contribution from the PAFP upon death. The money does not come from Pakikiramay but from the general funds. It is much less than what the member can get if they are active.

11. What to submit for Pakikiramay


- Endorsement from chapter president
- Letter of application
- Accomplished form
- Certification from attending physician


- Endorsement from chapter president
- Death Certificate
- Marriage certificate of spouse claimant
- Birth certificate of claimant
- Waiver of other potential beneficiaries (quit claim)

12. Disability Benefit

• Current dues P2,500.00
• Current dues + 1 year 5,000.00
• Current dues + 2 years 7,500.00
• Current dues + 3 years 10,000.00

13. Death Benefit

• Current year P 1,000.00
• Current year + 1 year 3,000.00
• Current year + 2 years 5,000.00
• Current year + 3 years 18,000.00


• Special assessment in the amount of P200.00 is collected from each member during their first year of membership. This is the contribution to the maintenance of the national secretariat building/ offices



1. There is no separate payment for the Pakikiramay Plan. It is incorporated in the Annual Dues of Members. The Pakikiramay is not insurance.

2. The benefits given by the plan are awarded to members of the Academy who are in good standing

3. If annual dues for the current period were not paid, member will not get Pakikiramay benefits.

4. For newly updated use, benefits will not be given should anything (as in death or disability) happen to the member. Members who recently updated their annual dues qualify for Pakikiramay benefits after 90 days.

5. Payment of back dues for Pakikiramay Benefits:

Partial payment options are allowed only regular members. Any member with higher Academic Rank should pay the whole back dues.

Pakikiramay Benefits based on paid dues are as follows: (As of March 1, 1994)

Disability, Death Benefits

Paid on time for Current Period only P2,500.00 P1,000.00

Paid on time for Current Period plus
1 immediate prior period (+1 year) 5,000.00 3,000.00
Paid on time for Current Period plus
2 prior consecutive periods (+2 years) 7,500.00 5,000.00

Paid on time for Current Period plus
3 prior consecutive period (+3 years) 10,000.00 18,000.00

Paid on time means payment of dues on or before Sept. 30, ahead of the period being paid for. For the period Oct. 1, 1995-Sept. 30, 1996 the deadline of payment of dues was Sept. 30, 1995. For the next period of Oct. 1, 1996-Sept. 30, 1997, the deadline of payment is Sept. 30, 1996. The period Oct. 1 – Sept. 30 was conceived upon the implementation of the PP on Oct. 1, 1978

1. Serious illness shall mean any disability caused by bodily injury or disease which prevents the Member from performing substantially all the duties of his/her profession.

Examples, among others are the following:
• Cerebrovascular accident, Myocardial Infarction, and Coronary Bypass Surgery
• Neuro-surgical conditions
• Blood Dyscrasia
• Cirrhosis of the Liver
• Chronic Renal Disease
• All forms of cancer
• Collagen Disease/Immune
• Poliomyelitis
• Bronchiectasis, Emphysema, COPD
• Chronic Renal Disease

Exclusion for Coverage:

• Complications arising from cosmetic surgery

• Sterilization of either sex, or several of such, artificial insemination, sex transformation, or diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

• Rest cures, custodial domicillary or convalescent care.

• Psychiatric disorders, drug/substance abuse, acute alcoholism, and illness secondary to said subject.

• Congenital anomalies and conditions.

• Injuries or illnesses which are self-inflicted, caused by attempts at suicide, or incurred as a result of breaking ordinances/laws, or while participating in the commission of crime.


1. Certification from attending physician is required with a duly filled up Disability Claim Form.

2. Disability benefits can be availed of only once in a lifetime.

3. No benefits can be claimed within 90 days from the date the Member has updated the dues.

Death Benefits

1. The beneficiary will be whoever was indicated by the member in his application for Membership.

2. For Members who used the old form (no indication for beneficiaries), or should there be a failure to indicate the beneficiaries, the following rule will apply:
- If single: parents, brothers and/or sisters
- If married: spouse, children, parents

3. Together with the duly filled-up Death Claim Form, copies of the following should be attached:
- Death Certificate
- Legal documents stating the relationship to the deceased
- Endorsement of the chapter president

PAFP Membership Issues, Policies and Procedures

Adopted from a power point lecture by Dr. Romualdo C. Cabalona during the PAFP leadership forum at the Hyatt hotel, February 23, 2005. Published with permission.

Chairman, Membership Credentials, Evaluation
and Accreditation

Who may apply?

• Filipino Citizen
• Licensed to practice (Updated PRC ID)
• PMA membership (Updated PMA ID)
• Resident in Accredited Family Medicine training program
• Paid application fee

What to submit when applying?

• Photocopy of updated PRC ID/license
• Photocopy of PMA ID
• Accomplished application form, endorsed properly
• 2 x 2 photo
• application fee = P50.00

Why is the application returned?

• Incomplete signature
- Chapter president/secretary
- Department chair/training coordinator
• No PRC license
• No photo
• PMA card not updated/certification of good standing from PMA component chapter

What happens after submission of requirements?

• Credentials reviewed by Committee
• Recommendations submitted and acted upon by Board
• Applicants/Chapter Training Program notified of action
• Payment of dues
• Induction in the chapter or National level

Chapter vs Direct Membership

• Determinant for chapter membership:
o Place of residence
o Place of practice
• Determinants for Direct Membership:
o Place of practice/ residence in Metro Manila or any province or city without chapter
o Zones

CME Responsibilities

• Maintenance of Active Status (CME Requirements)

• Before 1998:

o Regular Member 10
o CFP 20
o Diplomate 30
o Fellow 30
o Fellow-Life 30

• In 1998 and After:

o Regular Member 20
o CFP 30
o Diplomate 40
o Fellow 40
o Fellow-Life 40

Requirements for Promotion to Certified Family Physician:

• Residency : graduated in a 3-year accredited program of Family Medicine
• Member of PAFP, in good standing for 3 years
• Has written and submitted an original research paper
• Endorsed by the Department Head

Requirements for Promotion to Diplomate:

• CME Tract - Conferred the title of CFP before 1998

- Earned 150 CME credit hours for 3 years, at least 100 under Category I
- Passed qualifying examinations for Diplomate
- Payment of conferment fee

• CME Tract -Conferred the title of CFP in 1998 and after

- Earned 180 CME credit hours for 3 years, at least 120 under Category I
- Passed qualifying examinations for Diplomate
- Payment of conferment fee

Promotion to Diplomate (continuously practice Family Medicine for at least 1 year)

• Residency Tract- Conferred the title of CFP before 1998

- Earned 50 CME credit hours every year, 30 under Category I
- Passed the qualifying examinations for Diplomate
- Payment of conferment fee

• Residency Tract- Conferred the title of CFP in 1998 and after

- Earned 60 CME credit hours every year
- Passed the qualifying examinations for Diplomate
- Attended a workshop on EBM-QA
- Payment of conferment fee

Promotion to Fellow

- First Screening
• Earned 150 CME credit hours for 3 years, 100 under Category I (Diplomate before 1998
• Earned 180 CME credit hours for 3 years, 120 under Category I (Diplomate in 1998 and after)
o Letter to be sent to prospective candidate, with Biodata form

Promotion to Fellow

- Second Screening
o Academic Standing
o Chair or Training Officer of accredited department
o Finished Masteral Degree in any field of Family Medicine or Health acquired after Diplomate from a recognized academic institution.
o Has submitted a Quality Assurance Project

- One or more Published Research, Senior Author (Published in the PAFP Filipino Family Physician Journal)
- Chapter Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer), who has served at least for a year during the chapter was active.
- Five years in outstanding Family Practice (with award, promotion) after receiving title of Diplomate
- National/International Recognition in the field of Medicine through awards of recognition or leadership

Benefits of Members with updated dues

• Discounted registration fee for Conventions
• PAFP Reporter
• Filipino Family Physician Journal
• Circular
• Pakikiramay benefit and Calamity Aid
• Computation of CME credits
• Access to international conferences and other conferences

Special Privileges

• Certified Family Physician à certificate; can be elected as National Director or Chapter Officer
• Diplomate à certificate, pin, specialty status; Can be elected as National Director or Chapter Officer; can be training coordinator
• Fellow à certificate, medal, specialty status; can be elected as National Officer or Chapter Officer; can be appointed as head of department; can become Fellow-Life


• Requirements:

o at least 50 years old by September 30 of the current year
o at least 5 years as active fellow
o consent
o pay Fellow-Life fee
• Privileges

o Waiver of registration for annual convention
o Exempted from payment of annual dues
o Same benefits as members with paid dues

Senior Member

o Requirements:

o Active member for at least 20 consecutive years
o Complied with CME requirements according to academic rank
o At least 65 years old
o Consent
o Payment of required fees
o Privileges
o Benefits due member with paid dues
o Exempted from paying annual dues, registration fee for annual convention

Reasons for Revocation

• Any member who has not earned continuing medical education credit units appropriate for the level or category of membership for 3 consecutive years despite annual reminder within the 3-year period.

• Non-payment of dues for 3 consecutive years.

• Any member who has voluntarily resigned.

• Any Family Medicine resident who resigned and transferred to another specialty program.

• Any member who has dishonored the Academy by some inimical acts or has been found guilty of unprofessional and unethical conduct by the Committee on Medical Ethics and whose findings have been approved by the Board of Directors.

Who can be reinstated?

• Those who voluntarily withdrew shall be accepted to the same level of membership provided that he/she is recommended by the chapter and endorsed by the Committee on Membership Credentials, Evaluation and Accreditation and approved by the National Board.
• Those members whose membership has revoked for cause can be reinstated as a regular member upon the approval of the National Board.

• Those members who have dishonored the Academy by some inimical acts or have been found guilty of unprofessional and unethical conduct by the Committee on Medical Ethics will never be reinstated.

Transfer of Membership

• Accomplished application form for transfer
• Endorsement by chapter of origin
• Payment of all arrears with chapter of origin
• Acceptance by chapter of destination
• Approval by the National Committee on Membership

CME Requirement Exemption

• 65 years old and older
• Physical and mental disability
• Travel abroad with approved leave of absence and without access to CME
• Fellow before 1979